Saturday, May 15, 2010

Weekly Style

I've been meaning to post some pictures of the lovely style of some of my fellow classmates! However some of my classmates  that I had wished to take their photo were hesitant and shy and insisted that I do so some other time. I really wished I could have, but I respected thier wishes. I also have some pics here of some of my outfits from the past weeks. Enjoy!
 The miniute I walked into class and I saw this outfit I wanted it for myself It's so 1940's esque! I love everything about it even the hair and makeup, Amber is such a beauty she doesn't need to do much her makeup was sweet ans simple. I say she's one of the best dressed people in my class day to day!
Dress: Goodwill, Shoes: Buffalo Exchange Kenneth Cole, Belt: Salvation Army
What is there to say about my friend Tricia and her style other than I absolutely adore this woman!!! She has the greatest outfits, jewerly and taste! Practically everyday we compliment one other on each of are outfits or accessories! In fact the first day of class when we met we loved each other's makeshift tool box from a vintage cosmetics case! Tricia's is 1940's/1950s and mine Is 1960's/ 1970's. Anywho Tricia is always dressed great, and I would probably take her photo everyday, but I especially liked this outfit! It was like 1940's modern, and I pretty sure that beautiful dress is Vintage and those wedges were like 1940's edgy! I always look forward to seeing Tricia's outfits! Like Amber, Tricia is one of the most beautiful and best dressed girls in the class and I'll even say in our Fashion Dept!
Here are classmates and friends Aracely and Melissa. Melissa is to our right. She always dresses up, this girl is a everyday heel wearing girl, and I'm not talking 3 inch heels more like in the 5 inch range! Anywho I absolutely loved her outfit today It was so 1960's Manhattan, like Audrey Hupburn. She insisted that the only way I take her photo is if it was with Aracely. They're both looking cute!
Past Weeks Outfits
"Wilma I'm Home!" I look straight outta the Flintstones Cartoon! Not that it's a bad thing. I'm wearing one of my favorite dresses, it's thrifted. The belt I got from the clearance rack at Target. You can barely tell, but I'm wearing my hair in a beehive and that's my toolbox 1960's cosmetics case that I was mentioning earlier.
I loved this outfit! I received plenty compliments that day too. Wearing my 1950's style sundress (the print looks very vintage, though it is not), my hair slicked back in a low ponytail with flower clip and side faux bangs.
Just another everyday school outfit. My blouse is thrifted from a flea market across the street from my school bought for $1.25! It looks very 1930's, it's a sheer printed cotton with a small floral print. Wearing my thrifted navy blue skirt and my favorite saddle shoes.
I absolutely loved this outfit and so did many others! I was feeling in a Springy, Paris kind of mood! Is that weird? Wearing my thrifted cotton blouse, Clearance rack sweater bought for $5 (I hate to admit it another great Walmart find), my Vintage Paris scarf a Christmas gift from my Great Aunt and one fo my favorite pairs of earrings from Forever 21 $4.
I wore it with cuffed jeans and my saddle shoes. I realized later in the day this outfit would have been probably much cuter with a skirt, but it's still cute either way! (sorry for the bad lighting it was getting dark)
Another casual outfit. Wearing my black dress and gold cross hoop earrings bought for $2 at FIDM's Student store (just mentioning I don't go to school there) and wearing my handmade hair comb.
My Casual Outfit, wearing my cotton gingham tie blouse and black sweater with jeans. And my homemade Flower comb.Lately folks have really been loving my homemade hair combs. Maybe I'll go into mass inventory and sell them?
My Rose and Lotus Faux Flower handmade Hair comb, made by yours truly!
Until next time, Victoria
p.s. Thank You again Ladies for your style!
(All photos by Victoria Inez Rivera)

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